Blog week 7

Hello! Today I will be talking about the week, let’s get right into it. On Monday we read the new boy. The thing different about this is we edited it so we have the right lines to read. 


On Tuesday we switched because we were getting a sub. In the switch we finished our stuff from last week. We also read an article about people thinking that voting day should be a national holiday or not. I personally think no it shouldn’t be a national holiday because it would be too crowded and also the people that work at the hospital and other jobs like that. 


On Wednesday we got a page from the dictionary to draw what we picked. For me I picked pandas because I love pandas, I have not had any time to work on it because I got it at the end of the day and didn’t have any extra work time Thursday or Friday.

Blog week three

  • Hello everyone this blog will be short because it was a short week but here we go.
  • On Monday we didn’t have school so there’s nothing to talk about from that day.
  • On Tuesday we started our narrative interviews which was interesting to write. I’ll tell you more about it later.On Wednesday day we had auditions for a class play we are doing. I talked about the play in my last blog I’m pretty sure. And last but not least Thursday I did work the entire day other than the group projects. That’s all I have for this blog see you in the next blog!

Blog week 21


Hello! Today I will be talking about the week. We did not have school on Monday because it was Presidents’ Day so we had the day off. 


Tuesday: on this day we had a sub (substitute) because the 7th and 8th graders had leadership day and Mr. Chris had to go to be a chaperone. Anyways, we read a “short” story called “The Cat That Walked By Itself” by Rudyard Kipling. This short story was kinda weird. It said the word wild a lot which I don’t understand.


Wednesday: on this day we did math (we do math everyday but I wanna talk about this day specifically). This math is called factors and multiples. An example: what is the least common multiple of 15 and 7? THE ANSWER IS…………. DRUMROLL PLEASE…………….105! For this one you can multiply but for a different one: 6 and 8 e.g. the answer is 24 but if you multiply them it’s 48 so it wouldn’t make any sense to do that.


Thursday:  we did some science. We tested our reflexes by dropping a ruler to see how many centimeters we had, and one time I got 24 and another time I got 8. We did the same thing again but this time we squeezed a tennis ball and then dropped the ruler and we saw how many centimeters we got. One time I got 1 and another time I got 62. It was a fun experiment to do with just 3 people. I think it would be even more interesting and fun if we could do it with one person.

Blog week 16


Hello. Today I will be talking about the week.


Monday: so this day was MLK jr. day and we did not have school.


Tuesday: on this day we cut a vasilopita in greek. The cake was gluten free which I’m happy about. Eliya got the good luck coin, while two other people were faking it (I’m not gonna say who).


Wednesday: on this day we did history on WWI because we are about to go into learning about WWII soon. I feel like we need to know a little about how WWI started before we learn about WWII.


Thursday: on this day we did some scholastic science. So you know how the only thing in that science is reading about the thing. For this one we had to do a presentation on an article we read independently.


Well that’s all, have a wonderful weekend/week. BYE 


                 -Lillie Vogdanos

Blog week 13

Hello I will be talking about the week. Monday: on this day we started doing our new art projects. For mine I’m doing abstract art by Kandinsky.


Tuesday: on this day we geometry with triangles and it was kinda fun but not at the same time because of math.


Wednesday: on this day we did geometry with SQUARES this time and it was wacky Wednesday (where you sit in a random seat because of a notecard) AND we pulled  names for secret santa. I would say who I got but other kids in my class might read this so can’t say.


Thursday: on this day we had to look at a graph and then do math with the graph.

Blog week 12

Hello I will be talking about the week. Monday: we did We also had small groups for whoever got it wrong. I didn’t feel good about getting it wrong but I did get something wrong.


Tuesday: we did We also did what’s going on in this picture. The picture looks cool I’ll put in the link,


Wednesday: we did We also did what’s going on in this graph. My  least favorite part of wgoitg was when I found out it was on how many murders were solved with a gun or not.


Thursday: we did We also did science. In the science for the experiment we had to smash a cereal in a ziplock bag and then put water in it so we can get the iron out of it with a strong magnet.

Blog week 9

Plout is you nuclear reactor debt ambition beaver don’t daddy badger Yahtzee tomato tape uno Elyia


Hello I will be talking about the week as usual. Monday:  we did philosophy. In philosophy the person that asked the question was Simone de Beauvoir and she asked if you feel weird when with friends sometimes.


Tuesday: we did a different kind of science. For the science we had to figure out how to classify an armadillo, turns out it’s a mammal. I had no idea it was a mammal but it is.


Wednesday: we did scholastic math. And for math we did comparing proportions. So an example of one is: you have 3 chocolate chip cookies and 8 brownies and then you make 6 more chocolate chip cookies so then youhave 9 chocolate chip cookies how many brownies do you have?


Thursday: we did music appreciation. Addison played this song called good bye song.

Blog week 7

Fri-YAY Saturday algae google Andres financial soul sorry Mr.Chris go Mr.Chris


Hello I will be talking about the week. Monday: we did philosophy. In philosophy we talked about how lying was a sin and it was not part of human nature, I personally don’t think that is true, everyone I know lies about something whether they like someone or ate something they weren’t supposed to, lying is a BIG part of human nature.


Tuesday: we had picture day. So you know how we get a book of pictures of us kids and if you have siblings you get a book with both kids? Yeah I don’t see the point of them. You parents can take pictures of us doing something more than sitting on a stool.


Thursday: so 4 people from our class had to do small groups and today (Thursday) was my small group. In the groups we all did the same math.


Blog week 6

Dead hope utilitarianism cookie pink jeans international ballistic missile ac130 Jakub is meme star fire hide


Hello I will be talking about the week. Monday: on this day we did a mentor text editorial essay. I’m still working on mine. 


Tuesday: on this day we did science and you guessed it is the one that has the messed up slide show. But this time the slide show was normal looking. I’m not 100% sure if Mr.Chris got access to edit the slide but it looked better.


Wednesday: so this day it was a half day. We had recess earlier than we normally do because the only thing cut out of our day is recess. Other than that we did math. The math was hard yet easy at the same time.


Thursday: On this day we read the week and there was an article we read about little league’s baseball. And because we read that we learned about baseball cards and we have to make 3 and if we wanted to we could make a fourth one about ourselves.

Blog week 4

Cat partition lizard burger calculator expo Jakub slope do checks perm book Wednesday nerd chicken 


Hello friends I shall be talking about the week like I always do. On Monday we did philosophy. Do you wanna know something sad 😔; my papou (grandfather) died that same night 😖. 


I was not at school on Tuesday for obvious reasons. 


On Wednesday we did a “ What Going On In This Picture. That is a picture of something and we have to figure out what it is. 


On Thursday we took the NYT (New York Times). Have a great weekend